About Me

I just graduated from NC State with a degree in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management. When people asked me what I was going to do when I graduated, I said "My goal is to go 12 months without paying rent." This trip will account for at least 8 of those months. I will end up getting a masters from State but or now I am going to HAVE FUN!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Fun at the Health Department

So my future posts will not be this boring but I'm on the computer and felt like writing something.

I got my immunizations this morning:

Typhoid, Yellow Fever, meningococcal, tetanus, polio, and Hep A. I also got some anti-Malarial drugs (side affects include hair loss, hallucinations, and psychosis), a few Z-packs, some sinus medicine, and some stomach meds. 5 shots...my arms are sore as hell but I feel like I'm invincible!!! Now watch me break a finger in Laos and get some kind of weird infection (touch wood).

Anyways, I am leaving in 21 days!!!

1 comment:

stevenasher said...